Here we can see examples of how, during the early stages of a project, ephemera and ‘found images’ such as postcards of paintings, magazine tears or photographs can be used to inspire and create the beginnings of ideas in a sketchbook. All the examples shown here are by students from the University of Brighton, UK.
Sketchbooks are inseparable from research and design. If your sketchbook is a logbook of your journey, then research is what you observe, discover and find inspiring on that journey, and design is how you filter, generate and connect ideas and thoughts and focus them into some kind of conclusion; an end concept or product. Research is what stimulates ideas. There is also practical research, which might be enquiry into techniques, processes, fabrics and materials, and this informs and makes those ideas happen.
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Although found material, as already discussed, is very important for stimulating ideas, the work that appears in a sketchbook should be mostly primary research, that is to say things you have drawn and researched first-hand: photographs you have taken, experiments and discoveries made by going, doing, seeing and experiencing things for yourself. The more personal your research, the more individual your creative outcomes will be. Visit The Site: healthwebnews
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Allow yourself to be inspired by almost anything, from a holiday or museum trip to something more obscure and esoteric, and build upon that first spark of an idea, developing a thread that leads from initially random inclusions in your sketchbook to a definitive conclusion. If your starting point is, for instance, Ancient Egypt, you should eschew obvious mainstream sources of information, such as the innumerable books on the subject, and instead find out whether a collection is being exhibited in a museum or country house and if so go there yourself to draw and photograph (where possible) inspiring artefacts. For more information visit this site: forextradenews.
You might watch some old movies too, and find out about other fashion trends that have been influenced by the same theme over the years, such as the passion for Egyptian styles in France and Regency Britain following Napoleon’s campaigns in Egypt and Syria in the late 1700s.
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