8 Important Reasons To Have A Heated Pool
With the frigid winter weather approaching, many people want to add a heated swimming pool to their homes. While these pools take up some space, they provide an excellent way to exercise and stay healthy in the colder weather. There are a few benefits of having a heated pool that you might not be fully aware of. So if you’re thinking about getting one, here are eight reasons you should consider doing so.
- All Year Use
One of the most apparent benefits of having a heated pool is that it can be used yearly. While it’s not going to be practical to swim in it during the scorching summer, you can have a nice warm soak in your pool during the winter months. This is great because you’ll no longer worry about freezing weather affecting your time spent swimming outdoors. With a heated pool, you can enjoy swimming at any time!
- Exercise
While a regular pool can provide some exercise, a heated pool can provide an even better workout. The water temperature will make you work harder, which means that you’ll burn more calories and get more out of your exercise routine. Swimming is also an excellent cardiovascular exercise that will improve your overall health. This makes it a perfect option for those looking to get fit.
- Better Health
A regular swim can provide health benefits, and a heated pool can provide even more benefits. Because the water is warmer, you’ll be able to spend more time swimming in it, which means you’ll be getting more exercise out of the deal. Additionally, swimming is excellent for your health in numerous ways and can help improve your overall wellbeing. Having a heated pool will ensure that you’ll have the extra time to take care of yourself.
- Relaxation
One of the most apparent benefits of having a heated pool is the ability to relax in it during those cold winter days. Many people find themselves stressed out during this time of year, and a heated pool provides a great way to unwind and relax. The sound of running water can also be calming for some people, which can help them feel better.
- No Damage Due to Freezing Conditions
While a regular pool can still be used during the winter months, you’ll need to drain it and cover it up to keep the water from freezing. This means that your pool equipment will not be getting any use, leading to damage. If the water freezes inside your pump, it can cause the motor to burn out, which will cost you quite a bit of money to repair or replace.
- Greater Home Value
Having a pool can also be a great way to increase the value of your home. A swimming pool is often listed as a preferred amenity when purchasing a property, so having one will help you get more money for your house. Additionally, this can be an excellent selling point for realtors to use when you decide to sell the home in the future.
- Protection from Harmful UV Rays
A heated pool will provide an extra layer of protection from harmful UV rays during the hot summer months. Because the water is darker, it will absorb some of the UV rays before they reach you. This means that your skin will be better protected, and you’ll spend more time swimming in the pool without worrying about harmful sun damage.
- More Fun
Finally, having a heated pool is more fun than a regular pool for most people. Because there’s no danger of your collection freezing over, you’ll be able to enjoy it for more extended periods without worrying about damaging your water pump or motor.
In conclusion, there are many great reasons to have a heated pool. If you’re interested in installing one, ensure that you’re getting a quality manufactured pool that can handle the additional heating needs. The best pool builders are available to help you create the pool of your dreams on the sunshine coast, so give them a call today to learn more
About the Author:
Jim Pulman has extensive knowledge and experience in Home Building, Construction, and Design. He writes articles in his free time and partners with content creators to share his expertise with the online community.
By: Jim Pullman